music anyone?



Welcome to the amazing website! I bought this url for like 3 bucks. I think I'll keep this website for personal reasons like a little update on me or something.. I don't give out info about myself a lot on the internet though... I am yappatron 3000 you will find out trust. I loove who's lila, god of war, tuca & bertie, no more heroes, daria, athf, one piece, disco elysium, splatoon and more little fun shows & games. I also looove music... :heart:
art by badnotime

Well, if you do wish to know a little about me: im a mixed blackntv 16 yr old that likes making websites. Gender has escaped me. Jade is my real middle name & etc. I like connecting dots. Wanna contact me? glaggleball on discord & spritefan on steam!


diary/update page

(jade or yosias)

or Yosias

document.getElementById('texty').onclick = function() { document.getElementById('sound').play(); } alert("Hi! If youre on pc/laptop please adjust the website using ctrl - or + until it looks right! Also, this website isn't really suited for mobile.. it might lag a bit. All love")

wip go back